MILLENNIALS. While they are trying to figure out how to pursue their purpose and build a career as “adults”, they are also faced with figuring out this big ball of confusion…called dating.

“When to date? Who to date?”

“Are they bae material? Or is it just game?”

“When should we have sex? What if I don’t even wanna have sex?”

The Millennial Dating Chronicles is a docu-series…chronicling the stories of Millennials who are trying to pursue their purpose…and their relationship goals. Seeing someone in the same space as you, fight thru their issues – makes you feel connected, that you’re alone, and that you too can overcome your challenges.

Join us, beginning Thursday, September 27, 2018, as Millennials share their stories of how they go thru life…trying to find their greatest value, to impact the world, while navigating this tricky arena – called DATING.

How Do I Get My Wife to Respect My Grind?

How Do I Get My Wife to Respect My Grind?

The hustle. The grind. Every entrepreneur, solo-preneur, and even want-trepeneur do it. Both men and women alike. Your grind requires a committed investment of time, energy, and money. So does building a relationship. Finding the investment balance between your grind...

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