Explore Dating & Relationship Tips
How Do You Know It’s Time to Take It to the Next Level?
The transition from 'just dating' to being exclusive...or being exclusive to getting engaged is sometimes tricky. You like 'em. But you don't know if they're the one. Or, You're all in...but they're still hedging their bets. So when do you make the decision to take it...
How to Start Over After A Breakup
Stacey and Rick broke up. They were dating for two years. They still love each other but it just didn't work out. Some time has Some time has passed...and now they are talking about getting back together again. But they are scared. They don't want to get hurt this...
Dating and Creating a God-Centered Relationship
Riddle me this: Two Christian...with two different backgrounds, with two different ways of interpreting their faith and religion, with two different perspectives of relationship...start dating. How much conflict will they encounter over how they should practice their...
Text-lationship vs Relationships
Texting has bogarted its way into our society as a standard way of communicating. So much so, that texting has replaced talking for a whole generation of people. But can you build a relationship with someone if you text more than you talk? Or as I call it...a...
Road Trip Episode 1 – #QoolQouplesQonqer: Norfolk, Va.
It was an uncharacteristically beautiful weekend. 78°. In February...no less! But the weekend itself...was less than beautiful. Back in the day, Bernie and I used to take weekend road trips. From the ATL, to Pigeon Forge, TN., to Quebec. We had a ball. So, as our way...
#QoolQouplesQonqer Norfolk: Pre-Road Trip Update
As we get ready for our trip, here's a quick update about our journey to Norfolk, VA. And guess what...Bernie wasn't ready when the video started...again!!! Shout out to Cynthia, Jessica, Peter, LeeLee, The Casual Travelist, and The Girl and Globe for recommendations...
And Our First Road Trip Destination Is…
We put all 11 destinations on a piece of paper, folded them up, put them in a hat, and picked. And the destination is... You have to watch the video to find out. After you do, please add some activities and attractions you want us to visit on our way there...or while...
We’re About to Announce Our First Road Trip
It' been hecka busy these last 2-weeks. Bernie and I wanted to get a video out announcing the location of our road trip earlier this week, but we just couldn't fit it in. Anyway...we will be doing a video tonight announcing our destination. If you don't know what...
We’re Intentionally Prioritizing the ‘Fun Factor’ in Our Marriage
Thanks to everyone that provided some a destination. We got some very interesting ones so far. Shout out to Mia, Pierre, Peter, Ben, Devin, Cynthia, Jill, and Jay for your suggestions. I've had some people tell me they would get back to me with their suggestions....
Where Do You Think We Should Go on Our First Roadtrip?
OK, His Leadership Her Trust community...we need advice. You know about the road trip. If not, watch this video here to get caught up. We are scheduled to go in February (date to be determined). Now we need you guys to weigh-in. We're putting our destination in your...
VIDEO: Couples…Stop Focusing on Problems and Start Having More Fun? A Shift in Direction for HLHT
What's up Family. Bernie and I did a quick video to announce the new direction we are taking with His Leadership Her Trust. For those that weren't aware, I took a break from writing on my blog for 4-months. Dude...I was exhausted. I actually thought about giving the...
The Brand New Direction for HLHT & Our Marriage
Previously on HLHT…”If I’m going to continue my business – my purpose – it has to be in a completely different way. I have to integrate connecting with people, connecting people, and doing fun adventurous activities with friends into my business. Or else it’s not...
How Those 3 Darn Little Popsicle Sticks Up-ended My Life
Previously...“And after that…I was done. Done with the whole blogging thing. Done with the Bootcamp thing. And done with the relationship consulting thing. So done…I talked with Bernie about us selling Fort Wiggins. That’s when I knew I needed to see a therapist.”...
HEY…Heath…Where Have You Been? Why No Blog Articles in 4 Months?
August 31s,t 2016 was the last article I posted on His Leadership Her Trust. Where have I been? What have I been doing? Why did I go radio silent? I’ll get to that. In August 2013, on my birthday weekend, I launched His Leadership Her Trust website as a blog about...
#WednesdayWisdom #034: What If Married-Folk Started Protesting Against Their Spouse’s Behavior Like Colin Kaepernick?
Everybody has an opinion on San Francisco 49ers’ quarterback, Colin Kaepernick’s, protest by refusing to stand during the national anthem. Kaepernick started his protest to shine a national spotlight on…and bring change to…America’s perceived wrong-doings against...
#WednesdayWisdom #033: Now That the Kids Are Back in School, It’s Time for You to Get Back to Your 2016 To-Do List
School is back in session. And you can tell by the pictures proud parents have posted on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. From what I heard from parents, it both a happy and sad moment. Happy…because they get their kids out of their hair and back into the...
#WednesdayWisdom #032: 3 Sure-Fire Ways to Make Your Wife Want to Submit to You
SUBMISSION… is one of those dirty words in the bible that make women cringe…and distort their top lip. It triggers a guttural reaction. If you’re a woman, it’s likely, you’re reading this article to see how wrong I am…and thus, slay me in the comments section below....
#WednesdayWisdom #031: A Good Husband’s Dilemma: What if You Don’t Believe in Yourself?
Husbands, What if you don't believe in yourself? It's an issue every man has wrestles with at least once in his lifetime...no matter if he admits it or not. From the alpha-male, who beams with self-confidence...to the shy introvert, who fears confrontation. When the...
#WednesdayWisdom #030: Where Tupac Shakur Failed, Donald Trump is Succeeding
Tupac Shakur tried to follow his teachings…with the mantra of ‘Thug Life’ tattooed across his abdomen. But Donald Trump is actually doing it. Italian philosopher, Niccolo Machiavelli, wrote a book in 1513 called, The Prince. It was written to the ruling elite as a...
#WednesdayWisdom #029: Husbands…Stop Obeying Your Wife!
I was talking to a Brent, a husband of four years. He was complaining about how his wife be trippin’. Meaning, she keeps upping the ante of things she wants him to do. “As soon as I do one thing she asks, she’s quick to add on something else. I told her, ‘just give me...