If you’ve ever been in a relationship…then you’ve BEEN in a relationship. Meaning, you’ve been through a breakup. Some breakups are welcomed. But then there are those that are marked by an incident, an encounter, or a revelation that completely changed the path of your life…forever.

I had my breakup at 17 and it changed the trajectory of my life for the next 10 years.

Breakups like these are now a significant chapter in the stories of our lives. And their impact will affect our future relationships in unbelievable ways that no one can predict…believe me.

Meet Lakia and Morgan. Join us as these two Millennials share their stories about how their breakups have changed…and are still changing their lives. Share in the comments how you would have handled each their situations. Or, share your own story about how a significant breakup changed the path of your life.

How Do I Get My Wife to Respect My Grind?

How Do I Get My Wife to Respect My Grind?

The hustle. The grind. Every entrepreneur, solo-preneur, and even want-trepeneur do it. Both men and women alike. Your grind requires a committed investment of time, energy, and money. So does building a relationship. Finding the investment balance between your grind...

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