You can take pre-marital counseling and be ready to “get married“. But “marriage” is an ever evolving anamorphosis of unexpected changes. And you must adjust to those changes if your marriage is going to last.

Some people you go into marriage thinking that their “readiness” is sufficient for what they expected. Then the unexpected happens, which it always does. That’s when they quickly realize they’re actually not ready and it’s time to adjust.

Register for the Relationship Bootcamp for Newlyweds and learn what your marriage specifically needs to adjust and how to do it.

Bootcamp Dates:

Relationship Bootcamp
March 18
All Couples

April 29
Dating & Engaged Couples

May 20
2nd Marriage & Blended Family Couples

June 10
Newlywed Couples Married in 2015-2017

Contact us for reservations

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His Leadership Her Trust:

4 Steps to Become the Christian Man a Woman Trusts, Respects, and Actually Wants to Follow
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