Last Wednesday, there was yet another mass shooting incident in San Bernadino, CA. The week before that, it was a planned parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, CO. Two weeks before that, I was actually in France the day of the Paris terrorist attack. As of December 2, 2015, the Washington Post reports there’s already been 355 mass shooting…where four or more people were killed by gunfire.

In the 1993 movie Menace II Society, the character Caine just got a new Ford Mustang 5.0. But his rims were wack. He wanted something dope…and he knew how he was going to get them. He spots this car with some nice rims and followed it. When the car pulled into a fast-food drivethru, he crept-up on him and jacked him for his Daytons (rims). I always remembered that scene because of what Caine said about his plan to steal those rims.

“All I had to do is catch some fool slippin’”.

And as a young man in my 20’s back then, I never wanted to get caught slippin’ and get carjacked…even though I was only pushin’ a 81 Corrola Tercel sittin’ on factory issued 13″s.

In the world today, terrorism is a serious threats. Whether it’s from a radical Islam jihadist, a racist white man, a pro-life radical, a punk A police officer, a ghetto A ni**a, an illegal immigrant, or a quiet mentally disturbed teenage boy, there’s no way to predict what, where, or when someone will bust-up in a building and start buckin’-shots. There are no more safe places. There are no more stereotypical scenarios that warrant extra caution. There are no more “parts of town” you should stay away from. Churches aren’t even off limits. The geographics of these attacks are completely unpredictable. And the demographics of the dead are undiscriminating.

Therefore, my new mantra for living in these times is, ‘don’t live scared, live prepared’. From now on, wherever I go, I’m going to be thinking, what will I do if someone bust-up in here and starts buckin’-shots. Where will I go? Where will I hide? How will I protect my wife? Where do we rally in case we’re separated from one another? As a leader of your relationship, family, and of yourself, take the initiative and have these kind of conversations with your loved ones and yourself. Never again…enter a room without a plan for what to do if something jumps off.

Don’t let your love-ones or yourself be the next dead body in a building because you were the fool someone caught slippin’. For, you will loose more that some Daytons.


Don’t get caught slippin’ when someone start blastin’. Scope out your exit strategy upon entry.

#MyLifeMatters #MyFamilysLivesMatter

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