It’s been said that the difference between an expert and a novice is the expert has learned what not to do. Well, this novice is well on his way to becoming an expert because I’m learning all things not to do again.

It’s been a little over a month since I started this blog. This arena is wide open. My eyes are being opened to all the stupid-crazy possibilities that exist within this format and forum provides. But I wanted to pause a moment and say thank you to all of those who have supported me, gave me advice, liked my FB page, posted comments, and shared my articles. Good lookin’ out! As I endeavor on this journey to become an expert influencer and blogger, I thought I’d share just some of the things I’ve learned in just one month in this gig.

  1. I’m very detail. This is enlightening to me because I’m a big picture thinker. But I find myself obsessing incessantly of too many details. But they are detail I think are important. So I have to figure out how to find balance.
  2. I write too long (A). I know I sometimes can be Obama-like-winded in my explanations of my points. But when you combine that with me obsessing over all these details, c’mon son! It’s taking me forever to write/edit/post an article. I’ve got to find a way to narrow down this process to a couple of hours instead of the (I’m embarrassed to say) hours it’s taking me currently.
  3. I write too long (B). K.I.S.S. My goal is to keep my article between 500-700 words. That’s like…a 1 to 1 1/2 Word document. But when I finish, I end up with 800 – 1500 words. That’s why I have to break them up into a 3 or 4 part series. I’ve got to work on keeping it simple…or being more succinct and still deliver the same quality content that I’m proud of.
  4. Relationships are the Key. The most significant think that has helped me with this endeavor are the relationships I have made with people that are experts in this field and have been doing it successfully for years. Shout out to The TakeAway and BMWK Writer fam, and most importantly my wife for their support. The relationships I’ve made in those circles have helped me immensely.

I’m not going to keep going — I’m working on points 1-3. But be on the lookout for the revamping of the Family Bootcamp. I also am going to soon be launching a seminar series for men only. I have about three topic-areas I can’t discuss publicly. I’m reserving that just for the men (some things we men just need to discuss in among ourselves).  I’m really excited about that.

Thank you so much for your support!

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