If you’ve ever been in a relationship and broken up, then you’re probably familiar with how those wounds spill over into your next relationship. We sometimes refer to these wounds as “baggage”.

By the time you get married, some of us carry a nice set of well-traveled luggage into our marriage. The key is, how do you stop those unhealed wounds from wrecking your marriage? Bernie and I discuss some options for newlyweds to consider.

Also, see how the Relationship Bootcamp specifically for Newlyweds can help you figure out some ways to have a happy successful marriage while healing from those unhealed past relationship wounds.

Bootcamp Dates:

Relationship Bootcamp for Couples
March 18
All Couples

April 29
Dating & Engaged Couples

May 20
2nd Marriage & Blended Family Couples

June 10
Newlywed Couples Married in 2015-2017

Contact us for reservations

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4 Steps to Become the Christian Man a Woman Trusts, Respects, and Actually Wants to Follow
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