For a year now, the media has been lavishing high-praise on the loving marriage of Steph and Ayesha Curry. That’s wonderful. They promote positive images of black marriages…something we desperately need to contrast these ratchet wives/ex-wives/girlfriend/side-chick reality TV shows adored by so many.

But I’m getting concerned about how much attention is being placed on Steph and Ayesha. After the Golden State Warriors beat OKC to go to the NBA Finals, media outlets were buzzing about how supportive and loyal Ayesha was because she gave him a kiss after the game (like that act was abnormal). And lifestyle-writers were bragging about how Steph is such a wonderful loving father and husband because he was holding one of their daughters after the game (like that is far-fetched).

I’ve seen it all before. A golden pair gets knighted as the “perfect couple”. The world is enamored. Then, something happens behind the scenes in their marriage…like in every marriage. Rumors of discord spread. Tabloids blow it out of proportion. A ‘sources-close-to-the-Curry’s’ leak happens. Next thing you know, their private issues get thrust on the world stage for public speculation and ridicule.

Now the perfect couple has to go through tough-times…which others would normally go through in private…in front of the entire world with everyone speculating whether their marriage was really that perfect after all.

Look…yall know me. I’m pro-relationships. I’m rooting for the Curry’s. I want the hype to be real. But on July 30, 2016, the Curry’s celebrate their 5th anniversary. The hype about the Curry’s is just hype right now. Their marriage hasn’t earned it yet.  I’ve been married 18 years, and have been working with couples for 16 years. I know what’s coming down the pike for the Curry’s. I know what struggles they’ll have that they haven’t overcome yet. I know what issues they’ll face that they haven’t conquered yet. I know the shift that’s about to take place in their relationship that they haven’t prepared for yet. All these inevitables…can wreak havoc on the best of marriages.

I wish ‘the media’ (traditional and social) would stop exalting the Curry’s like they are some Super-Couple. They’re only 27 & 28 years old…with a lifetime ahead of them. Let’s celebrate the positive images of black marriages they portray. But please remove the halo from around their marriage. Their marriage is certain to run the course of every other marriage in America…a journey through tumultuous times.

Look at Jay-Z and Beyoncé. The world’s #1 power couple. One month after their 8th anniversary, Bey dropped the video Lemonade. And the world was blown to find out that they too had taken the unavoidable havoc-wreaking journey through tumultuous times. But they came through it together. I pray the same for Steph & Ayesha.


Let’s collectively celebrate the positive images of black marriages. But let’s not exalt a couple’s marriage above a status it has not earned.

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