For the love of God, would you please stop using divorce as a way to solve marital problems!?

For the last few months, I’ve been giving relationship advice on my website. People have been submitting their questions privately, using an alias to protect their true identity, and I respond directly to their email address. Nothing gets posted online.

And let me tell ya…yall got some ‘issuzzz’! I’ve gained a new respect for what it takes to create and sustain a successful marriage. Because these people don’t live in the fairy-tale world of the ideal marriage situation. You know…man and woman meet, they fall in love, get married, have some babies – go through some troubles along the way – and live happily ever after.

Nawww…homie. Real, everyday, ordinary, good people are dealing with real gut-punching issues like adultery, abandonment, lose of affections, his children don’t like the new wife…and her children don’t like the new husband – type issues.

And to their credit, those that have reached out to me for advice are trying to find a way to solve their problems and make their marriage work.

But the thing that’s gets-my-goat about their problem solving methods is how easily they talk about divorce as being an option for solving them. So let me make this crystal clear to everyone…if you’re going through problems in your marriage like the ones mentioned above; or if your spouse won’t listen to you, is too controlling, isn’t freaky enough, or won’t communicate with you, let me tell you like I told all of them:

1. STOP Using divorce as a Problem Solving Tool!

Divorce is not a problem solving tool. It is a marriage ending tool. You don’t solve problems within your marriage by ending it. That’s like getting a cut on your leg and amputating it instead of treating the wound.

Do couples get divorce? Of course. Is divorce sometimes necessary? Indeed. Even Jesus gave just cause for divorce under certain circumstances (I’m not discussing that topic now, but if you want some references, see Matthew 19:1-12 and Mark 10:1-12).

But if you want to stay married and not end it, or if you want to solve the problems within your marriage and not escape from them…then you must STOP considering divorce as the solution to your problem. Especially those of you in your second marriage…because you have precedent.

2. STOP Using the Threat of Divorce as Leverage to Extract Compliance!

You must STOP using the threat of divorce as leverage to extract compliance. You are being manipulative and using coercion to get what you want. And that’s evil. It’s also lazy. Instead of committing to do the work required to seek common ground, you’re opting to use a weapon of mass destruction as a threat to get your mate to bend to your will. As Lauryn Hill suggested, you might win some, but you really lost one.

3. STOP Using Divorce as an Excuse Not to Mature as a Husband or Wife!

Grow up! Prove you are the loving spouse you profess to be. Be more understanding and empathetic of your spouse’s thoughts, preferences, and desires. You don’t always have to have your way. That’s selfish and you’re devaluing your spouse. The sign of a maturing spouse is how empathetic your decision making and interactions are with your mate.

4. STOP Using Divorce as an Excuse to Quit When Marriage is Harder Than You Think it Should Be!

Marriage is only harder than you think it should be because you have a pre-defined level of effort you planned on exerting. And now that the demands of marriage require you to learn more and grow more…you want to quit. STOP using divorce as an excuse to quit! Use the challenges you face in your married as an excuse to be the super hero and do the unbelievable…improve your marriage!

Yes…it’s hard. Yes…she makes you mad. Yes…he hurt you. Yes…her children are coming between you and your wife. Yes he violated your trust.

But if you want to fix it…and not end it, then take divorce out of the equation and get some help.

Fa-real tho…the reason why some of you married couples can’t fix these problems is because you don’t know how. I mean…really…who taught you how to solve marital problems. Your mother? Your father? Some workbook you read in premarital counseling? There are a host of professionals, relationship coaches, ministries, etc… that are dedicated to helping couple work through their problems and keep their marriage together. Do this for me…use them! Set aside your pride and use them!What do you have to lose…but your marriage.

We even offer an alternative program to counseling called The Co-Operative that work with the individual or the couple as a whole. We teach you what to do, then train you how to do it…because knowing what to do and how to do it are two different thing. Then we track your progress and troubleshoot your issues WHEN they arrive. Contact me if you want some more information about it.

So for those who are going through some ‘issuzzz’…but want their marriage to work, cut out the divorce talk. It’s not a problems solving tool. It’s a marriage ending tool.

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