Pre-Relationship/Life Coaching


We equip individuals with the life-skills they need to become relationship-ready, pursue their purpose, and achieve their relationship goals.

  • Meet in person, video chat, or teleconference
  • Understand impact of past and family dynamics
  • Identify issues and perceived limitations
  • Re-shape and re-frame mental narrative
  • Reinforcement with homework exercises
  • Review and analyze emotional impact
  • Identify and define life’s purpose
  • Identify and define what relationship-ready looks like
  • Integrate life-purpose and relationship readiness
  • Test and evaluated purposeful life and relationship pursuits
  • Adjust as necessary

This program requires a 3-month minimum commitment. Payment arrangements can be made upon request.



Every happy relationship requires some give-and-take from both parties. But what if you don’t believe you’re able to emotionally, spiritually, or financially give what a happy relationship requires? What if your perceived limitations scare you, which makes becoming relationship-ready seem so overwhelming? In my experience, you spend years delaying your purpose convincing yourself, ‘I’m good’, while your fear turns into your lifestyle.

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Additional information

Jump Start Sessions

This is for purpose-oriented people who want to get relationship-ready but do not want a long-term coaching commitment, 1 session

Pre-Relationship Coaching

This is for purpose-oriented people who want to get relationship-ready and need moderate help and coaching to do it, Unlimited sessions per month., 1-month session

Life Coaching

This is for purpose-oriented people who want to get relationship-ready and need extensive help and coaching to do it., Unlimited sessions per month., Minimum 3-months required.