To slid or not to slide…that is the question.

I often hear how taboo it is to slide is someone’s DM (direct message). But the sliding doth persist! So much so that rapper Yo Gotti did a parody video called [It Goes] Down in the DM, which mimics the real-life culture-crisis of having to choose between the girl of your dreams or continue sliding in someone’s DM on Instagram.

But is sliding in someone’s DM effective? Can a serious relationship come out of a DM slide? Hear this interesting story of Maya and Vernon, a new couple whose relationship started after he slid in her DM …on this episode of the Millennial Dating Chronicles.

Sex & Dating: When to Do It

Sex & Dating: When to Do It

One of the questions I explored in our conversation with Millennials was the intersection between sex and dating. When is it ok to start having sex? While you're dating? After you're in a relationship? After marriage...or on the first night? As you can imagine, the...

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