Looking back on when I was a little nappy headed boy…

…I was black and ashy. And I didn’t care! It was from spending all day at the pool.

That’s what us 70’s babies call “the good ole day” – when you played outside, watched girls’ pig-tails bounce as they jumped rope, played kickball, played tackle football…got hurt…cried while your friends stood around asking, “You alright?” until you wiped your tears away and said “Yeah.”…then got back up and continued playing.

It was circa 1973. Dad got a job at Federal City College (now The University of the District of Columbia – UDC). Mom, my older sister Allison, and I drove down from Flint, Michigan, (where I was born) and landed in the outskirts of Washington, DC. – in the Maryland suburb of Silver Spring. I was 3.

That’s where this nappy headed boy was raised. And that’s where this nappy headed boy began his amazing life’s journey from the innocence of childhood, through the awakening of my pubescent years, through the folly of my teens, to the broke no-money-having times of my young adult life.

I believe you don’t learn from what you know…you learn through what you go. And I learned a heck of a lot the 20 years I lived in Silver Spring.

Join me as I travel back to the “good ole days” and recount (in no particular order) some of the amazing and funny, yet stupid and self deprecating moments of my life. You’ll meet some friends I made along the way…some girls I loved…and some girls that got away.

Some stories will be lessons learned. Some will be provocative. And some will make you think. But all of them will be interesting – to say the least.

Click on an article and prepare yourself for the journey.


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