One of the questions I explored in our conversation with Millennials was the intersection between sex and dating. When is it ok to start having sex? While you’re dating? After you’re in a relationship? After marriage…or on the first night?

As you can imagine, the opinions varied by gender, past experience, life stage, etc.

So I want to start this conversation with two opposing male and female perspectives from Christian and Samiyah. Hear their stories…in this episode of the Millennial Dating Chronicles.

She’s the One That Got Away

She’s the One That Got Away

Regret is a ___________ (you fill in the blank). In the dating space, sometimes regret occurs after you realize you screwed up and let the one you really want get away. Hindsight becomes your counselor. And that crafty bastard...regret...teaches you a life lesson you...

#ShootYourShot2018 (pt 1)

#ShootYourShot2018 (pt 1)

As an African American Christian woman, societal dating norms promote that women should wait to be foun't - that proverbial Boaz & Ruth situation (read the story of Ruth & Boaz in the book of Ruth in the bible). But what happens when you've waited...and...

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