Everyone wants to be needed. But nobody like a needy person. But before you deal with their neediness, you have to find out if it’s coming from one of two places.

Bernie and I talk about the reasons why people are needy in relationships and how to deal with them.

Register for the Relationship Bootcamp specifically for Dating and Engaged Couples and let us teach the two of you how to co-exist in the relationship without one or the other feeling like ‘my mate’s neediness is smothering me’.

Bootcamp Dates:

Relationship Bootcamp for Couples
March 18
All Couples

April 29
Dating & Engaged Couples

May 20
2nd Marriage & Blended Family Couples

June 10
Newlywed Couples Married in 2015-2017

Contact us for reservations

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His Leadership Her Trust:

4 Steps to Become the Christian Man a Woman Trusts, Respects, and Actually Wants to Follow
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How Do I Get My Wife to Respect My Grind?

How Do I Get My Wife to Respect My Grind?

The hustle. The grind. Every entrepreneur, solo-preneur, and even want-trepeneur do it. Both men and women alike. Your grind requires a committed investment of time, energy, and money. So does building a relationship. Finding the investment balance between your grind...

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