Millennials Dating Chronicles
A Web Docu-Series
Pursuing Purpose While Dating
I believe everybody has a purpose for their life. When the purpose of your life is aligned with your passion, that’s when you have the greatest impact on the people and community you serve.
MILLENNIALS…While they are trying to figure out how to pursue their purpose and build and build careers as adults, they are also trying to figure out this big ball of confusion…called dating. When to date? Who to date? Are they bae material, or is it just game? When should I have sex? What if I don’t even wanna have sex?
All these things Millennials have to figure out while trying to pursue their purpose. But they don’t have to figure this out alone. We can help – by connecting them to stories.
Researchers have discovered that stories motive. They inspire. They provide hope and encouragement. Seeing someone in the same spade as you, fighting thru their issues, makes you feel connected – that you’re alone. And that you too can overcome your challenges.
So that’s why I doing this documentary – chronically stories of how Millennials go thru life, trying to pursue their purpose – while navigating this tricky arena – called dating.
Join us on the journey.
Latest Episode

Trial & Errors: The Abstinence Approach to Dating & Marriage
As Christians, we are taught that sex is reserved for marriage. But for real tho, how many people do you know who actually follow that rule? From my personal experience, and 19 years spent working with 100's of couples and singles, many people don't. But there's of a...
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Previous Episodes
Millennial Dating Chronicles – EP. 10: Reclaiming My Time & My Black Identity
How do you find your identity in this world? Some people inherit it from their family or identify with it through their culture. But what if your family situation was a little-bit tricky? And what if your culture forced you to turn your back on it? How do you grow up...
How to Date You: The Millennial Guide to Going On A Date With You
In my 19-year experience as a Relationship Consultant, I've seen people pursued dating and relationships every kinda way. The friends-first approach. The Co-worker approach. The group outing/game night meetup approach. And the riskiest, the walk up to a stranger and...
“How’d You Meet?” | 2019 Valentine’s Day Special
Online dating apps. Slids in the DM. Kick-backs and Meetups. High School and college sweetheart. Office-bae. With so many ways for people to connect, we at the Millennial Dating Chronicles, for Valentine's Day 2019, want to celebrate couples and the different ways...
Sex & Dating: When to Do It
One of the questions I explored in our conversation with Millennials was the intersection between sex and dating. When is it ok to start having sex? While you're dating? After you're in a relationship? After marriage...or on the first night? As you can imagine, the...
Don’t Be So Anxious – Trust the Process
Every date you go on or relationship you enter is different. He's different. She's different. Your stage of life is different. And it's this unpredictable dating variety that causes so much anxiety over what to expect in your future dating/relationship experiences. So...
It Goes Down In The DM
To slid or not to slide...that is the question. I often hear how taboo it is to slide is someone's DM (direct message). But the sliding doth persist! So much so that rapper Yo Gotti did a parody video called [It Goes] Down in the DM, which mimics the real-life...
She’s the One That Got Away
Regret is a ___________ (you fill in the blank). In the dating space, sometimes regret occurs after you realize you screwed up and let the one you really want get away. Hindsight becomes your counselor. And that crafty bastard...regret...teaches you a life lesson you...
Breakups That Changed the Path of Your Life
If you've ever been in a relationship...then you've BEEN in a relationship. Meaning, you've been through a breakup. Some breakups are welcomed. But then there are those that are marked by an incident, an encounter, or a revelation that completely changed the path of...
#ShootYourShot 2018 (pt 2): “I Just Did That”
Getting the nerve to approach someone is one thing. Asking them out on a date is another. But then going on that date is and building a connection might be the biggest challenge of all. Last episode, Chiereme shared how she walked up to a guy she'd only seen a few...