A guy wanted to know how to get on one accord with his girlfriend? Great question. Noble pursuit. But please know…this elusive “one accord” that he seeks is not a destination. It a process.
Bernie and I discuss the two steps to achieve this ‘one-accord-ness’ (I just made up a word)
Register for the Relationship Bootcamp specifically for Dating and Engaged Couples and start the process of being on one accord. It’s less than 10 days away. So register today. There are only a few spaces left.
Bootcamp Dates:
Relationship Bootcamp for Couples
March 18
All Couples
April 29
Dating & Engaged Couples
May 20
2nd Marriage & Blended Family Couples
June 10
Newlywed Couples Married in 2015-2017
His Leadership Her Trust:
Things Bernie & I Do to Make Our Marriage Better – Part 1
We've been talking about how to solve problems in your relationship for 25 questions straight. We're going to take a break from that for a minute and talk about us. Because not everybody's relationship is fraught with problems. Some just want to know how to take it...
Do I Give Up On Her Potential…or Just Settle For Her Minimal Growth?
Leadership in a marriage is toggled back and forth between the husband and wife, depending on what the couple is doing and who is best fit to lead the activity. In a Christian marriage, the bible teaches that the husband is generally responsible for the leadership...
I Don’t Have It All Together…So I Feel I Might Not Be A Good Spouse
The notion that you have to have everything all together in order to be a good spouse is a lie from the pit of hell. Don't nobody have their life all together...to the point where they can be a good spouse. The key is working on getting your life together...over time....
What Do You Do When You Realize You’re Not Ready for Marriage…but You’re Already Married?
You can take pre-marital counseling and be ready to "get married". But "marriage" is an ever evolving anamorphosis of unexpected changes. And you must adjust to those changes if your marriage is going to last. Some people you go into marriage thinking that their...
How Do I Get My Wife to Respect My Grind?
The hustle. The grind. Every entrepreneur, solo-preneur, and even want-trepeneur do it. Both men and women alike. Your grind requires a committed investment of time, energy, and money. So does building a relationship. Finding the investment balance between your grind...
How to Stop Unhealed Wounds from Past Relationships from Wrecking My Marriage
If you've ever been in a relationship and broken up, then you're probably familiar with how those wounds spill over into your next relationship. We sometimes refer to these wounds as "baggage". By the time you get married, some of us carry a nice set of well-traveled...
to your quistion i am one done just that, and not as simple as any one understands, one at lest one u has be save and can here gods words, two faith is built on your past with god not the bible,
god his spearts will teach many things but he has to appove of it it is his choice not ours,
how do i know i know a woman we feel each other we effeck each other just with our minds,
we see in to each other minds each time take some the other with them changeing bouth
i dont know u nor do i know if u been save, but i can tell u this as to be fack if all u have is a bible
know nothing else about god this cant happen, becuase for this to happen much as change in person wich takes time and things u learn u think was impossable, if u beleave in jesuss u not save, being save not so easy
i wish it was i so wish it was but if u want understand being save go back to oldtestment being save is a gift u cant ask for it and asking for forgiveness is mote point u have prove your self to god, and they will test u,
now i cant say this same for all people as so few are save but god babtise me in speart and in life i felt water run down my face but this was just asking if i want be save, and u cant say yes and happens
not so simple u keep doing what god ask u tested and be hardest thing u ever will do,
what i ask not possable for most people becuase bible cant be understood with out god its just a tool
a tool to be used so when something u life happen u go back to it find it in bible prove it was god,
but new testment was change so so much i am unshure what is true, if u dont understand full history science of how the bible was made u start here u start with cathic bible understand how was made when, who change it why science of it not what bible says but what was proven, once u understand this gives u better understanding what bible is but if right our starting gate saying i wrong, got news for u i been throw many gods test and he prove was him throw 3ed party,, to be one mind one speart is unconditional love but cant happen with out god saying this what he wants, god king he appoves such things now we, this that we make choices is saying we above god, and we not, god must appove these things then things happen
i dont know where u are in this i do know this u saying i nuts, u know nothing of gods truth, if makes sence to u, then u might understand how this happens, how do u get god appove that i do not know god sent me the person at time she was on meth mess up we save her life she no longer on drugs, she becomeing a much better mom, god alow us bond speartly and something so hard understand. but only true love there is
wish u luck becuase i count one hand how many of us did this as we no longer keep stoys of god its not pass on, we need the storys or we have nothing